MELVEE SABBATH SCHOOL| Qrt 4 – Lesson 6 | Symbolic Acts

November 1, 2015
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MELVEE SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON 6 (Symbolic Acts from The Book of Jeremiah)

A fresh team composed of Blessing Machona (as an Anchor-Host), Athi Mlanjana and Bheki Ncube (as panelists) discussed the lesson study entitled Symbolic Acts (from the Book of Jeremiah. The lesson is underpinned by Romans 9:21 which says, “Has not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?” As you watch this week’s Bible lesson, you will realize that the Book of Jeremiah is filled with symbols, things that represent concepts and ideas other than themselves.

You will recall that the entire earthly sanctuary service, was a symbolic prophecy of the plan of salvation. Through the symbolism of the earthly sanctuary, or the symbols of prophetic books (such as Daniel 2, 7, 8, and Revelation), and in many other ways, the Lord has used symbols to convey truth. Jesus used parables, symbols and object lessons to explain deep truths.

The book of Jeremiah itself is rich with symbolism and imagery and in this week’s discussion the panel takes a look at a few of these symbols, what they were, what they meant, and what lessons we should take away from them for ourselves.

For an audio version, please send a WhatsApp Message with your full name to +27 82 333 0512.

MelVee Video Productions

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