01. End Time Prophecy Series || Signs of the End of The World

July 6, 2016
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This is a Bible-based review of the signs of the times from Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 24. These, like Jesus foretold,  tell us that the world is coming to an end. These also tell us that Jesus is about to come. The discussion seeks to answer the question, what does the Bible say about our generation in which global security and safety has become a serious agenda for all leaders. The panel makes the Bible alive in the light of recent violent and deadly attacks in Paris, Bamako, Jakarta, Istanbul and Ouagadougou demonstrate that we are in a global dire straits of some sorts.

This video covers signs in nature, global economy, wars and rumors of war, anger and terrorism among nations and the environment crisis.

The review is presented by the Purelight Missions team of Loago Setswalo and Simdumise Poswa.


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