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May 09, 2016Comments off

Max Moyo shares thoughts about conscious living and being aware of our comfort zones, how to exploit them and get out of them. This is part 6 of a series of 7 messages.


You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet || Pastor ...

May 06, 2016Comments off

Pastor Saustin Mfune preaches at Lyttelton SDA Church in Centurion, Pretoria, South Africa on an eye catching subject that will transform your life. The issue of God’s grace has never been fully understood by the Christian


Max Moyo || Money and Identity

May 06, 2016Comments off

Max Moyo shares thoughts and principles on the relationship between money and your identity. Who you are determines how much money you will make in your life.


Leadershift || MAX MOYO

May 06, 2016Comments off

Max Moyo, Founder and CEO of Ignite My Potential ( He is a well traveled African inspirational and executive coach who makes extensive application of African cultural identity, values, symbols and metaphors to illustrate and teach


MelVee Sabbath School || Qrt 2 2016 –...

May 06, 2016Comments off

Join Melusi Ndhlalambi, Azwihangwisi Mbedzi, and Blessing Machona as they discuss Bible Lesson 7 for Quarter 2, 2016, based on Matthew 15:24, where Jesus explicitly taught that he was “not sent except to the lost sheep


MelVee Sabbath School || Qrt 2 2016 –...

Apr 29, 2016Comments off

Obert Chakarisa, Sipho Masinga and Melusi Ndhlalambi discuss a Bible study lesson based on Matthew 11:28 about the concept of “resting in Jesus” and its application in our modern day, in the context of salvation and Sabbath


UNSHAKEN || Trials Here

Apr 28, 2016Comments off

Unskaken Music Group from Harare recorded during their South Africa Trip in March 2016.


UNSHAKEN || Change Me

Apr 28, 2016Comments off

Unshaken Music Group from Harare recorded during their South Africa Trip in March 2016.