MelVee Sabbath School || Qrt 1 2016 Lesson 2 || Crisis in Eden

January 3, 2016
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This week’s study is entitled “Crisis in Eden” and it expounds on the deception and the fall in Eden as well as the impact on humanity. Join the MelVee Sabbath School panelists (Elder Melusi Ndhlalambi (anchor), Shaun Ryan and Nixon Kadiramwando) as they discuss the second lesson from the new series entitled Rebellion and Redemption. The panelists examine how Satan was able to exploit human freedom and, thus, start the devastation that we all experience even today.

The story of the fall remains a powerful reminder that our only safety as human beings exists not only in believing what God tells us but, more important, in obeying what He tells us, as well.

After the Creation of the world, God declared everything was “very good” (Gen. 1:31). However, it’s obvious now that everything in the world is not “very good.” Despite various -isms and ideologies that, over the centuries, have tried to make things right, our world continues toward chaos, insecurity, violence, war, pollution,
oppression, and exploitation. If the 20th century began with all sorts of optimism about the future and what humans could do to improve the future, the 21st century has certainly lost that optimism—and with good reason too.

How did we get into this situation? The answer is found in the great controversy, which, though beginning in heaven, had, unfortunately, come to earth, and fairly early on in earth’s history too. We hope this study will help you understand the importance of the passing the test of obedience, what disobedience costed us (consequences) and how sin and suffering entered planet earth, and how God is dealing with this crisis.

Recorded and Produced by:
MelVee Video Productions
“A Divine Voice Out of Africa”

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