Ev. CLEMENT KAHIYA || The Pen Is In Your Hand (Day 13)

August 17, 2015
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This message is part of a 16-part series under the theme; “Behold What Manner of Love Series,” presented at Golden Harvest SDA Church from 10 to 24 May 2015. Evangelist Clement Kahiya is teaching on the topic, “The Pen Is In Your Hands.” Using the story of the fruitless fig tree (Luke 13:6-9) he explains how Christ (the vine dresser) pleased for you and me (figtrees) that we be given another year to be cultivated and bear fruitful. The Bible does not tell us whether the figtree was later cut down or whether it finally bore fruits. The final decision, whether it was cut down or not depends on how the figtree used the extra year.

The message was recorded and produced by MelVee Video Productions. (2015). “A Divine Voice Out of Africa”
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