SABBATH SCHOOL BIBLE LESSON 7 || Jesus The Master of Missions

August 12, 2015
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According to Scripture, the core activity of the Godhead is mission. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are involved in saving humanity. The Godhead is in the business of restoring the lost world to full unity with the divine will. According to the Gospels, Jesus underwent the radical change into human form in order for his mission to succeed. In Jesus Christ, the meaning of history comes into focus, the total mission activity of God becomes coherent, and the deepest needs of humans for meaningful existence are fulfilled.

In the New Testament, we are made acquainted with the purposes of the incarnation of Jesus Christ. We find here how He outlines the program for mission, and we get glimpses of how Jesus met people from other nations, people of other faiths. In the Word of God, we can see the incredible saving activity of God on behalf of fallen humanity.

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